Saturday 15 November 2008

Prize Giving

Welcome to my blog and I hope that it will prove to be an interesting way to maintain communication with parents.

My thanks to all the parents and friends of the school who attended our Prize Giving on Thursday 13 November.

Lots of you have said to me and to others how inspirational you found Anna Hemming's speech. Her message, that we all have a talent or ability and that if we work hard we can be the best that we can be, struck a chord with girls and parents.

I know that some parents and girls were not able to or chose not to attend the evening. I think this is a great pity. It is one of the most important occasions in the school year, where we come together as a whole school community to celebrate what makes St Andrew's special.

If you have a view on whether a different date, time and location for our prize giving would enable more parents and girls to attend, or if you have any other comment on Prize Giving, please post a comment here.


  1. Bedford School Hall was a wonderful setting to present the girls' achievements. I agree the speech was inspirational and Anna was able to relate to the girls. The musical contributions were excellent. I wonder if calling up each girl once only and handing out all her prizes and certificates together would free up time to include another musical item, and perhaps draw more parents to listen and appreciate the sense of occasion. As before, a great deal of work must have taken place behind the scenes to produce such a slick and well-run event. Thank You. Geoff Barrell

  2. Thank you Mr Barrell. The setting is magnificent, but I wonder if holding Prize Giving at the end of the school year in June, might encourage more parents to attend.

  3. I thought the prize giving, as always, was a wonderful occasion. I did attend with my ticket but also recieved one of your 'sorry you couldn't come' letters.
    Having the prize giving at the end of the summer term may encourage more parents to attend but I do think that it is nice for the younger girls to see the old year 11's return to recieve their GCSE certificates.

  4. It's nice to find out how last year's year 11 girls fared in their GCSEs, which we couldn't do in June. How about September, when it's not so cold and miserable? Lisa Astle

  5. Thank you for your comments Mrs Astle and Mrs Jones.

    The problem with September is that the Year 11 certificates are not avaialble until the end of October.

    If we did hold Prize Giving in the summer then the Year 11 girls would receive prizes for their achievements, but, as you note, not their actual GCSE certificates.

    I do think that lighter evenings and better weather could make the occassion more festive!
